The website is not published yet. Restricted access only.

Captain/Vice Role

Organise the Team for match day

Find registered substitute players on FB if needed

Ensure you have a scorer for the match

Collect season fees as per invoice dates

Confirm Team player registration for the season

Pass down information from Captains group about league updates and procedures

Captain/Vice Pre Game Checks

Match to start on time

Ensure Jewellery is removed, this includes watches and piercings

Nail check

Coin toss before game (rock , paper, scissors if no coin!)

Organise bibs

Provide scorer (Aylesbury only)

Input score after game (Aylesbury & Folkestone)

Substitute Players

Only players who are currently registered to Netball nights for the current season in a team or in a training group are allowed to participate in matches.

You cannot play with Unregistered players, This will mean an instant forfeit. This also applies to umpires or previous seasons players who are no longer registered to a team.

Please check your subbing -players are part of a currently registered team and the correct Division.

Note: Outside-invited players will only be allowed if they are joining your team as part of the total number of players for the remainder of the season, they will not be allowed to play otherwise!

They will still need to be registered into your team before the match begins.

Forfeited Matches

Forfeited matches are matches where your team have more than 3 sub players to be should be recorded as 10-0 to the opposition.

If neither team can field a team ,no points will be awarded and 0-0 recorded.

Note: You will still need to provide as many players as possible so we are still able to give your opposition a game.

This will mean any players can cover the open spaces .

You may borrow players from a division above for a friendly as the game score will not affect the league standings.


We abide by the England Netball Rules and Regulations and will follow their guidance concerning anything that falls outside of what is stated in our information here.